Onur Kaya
Manisa Celal Bayar University
[ 1 ] - Characterizations of Slant Ruled Surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space
In this study, we give the relationships between the conical curvatures of ruled surfaces generated by the unit vectors of the ruling, central normal and central tangent of a ruled surface in the Euclidean 3-space E^3. We obtain differential equations characterizing slant ruled surfaces and if the reference ruled surface is a slant ruled surface, we give the conditions for the surfaces generate...
[ 2 ] - Construction of a surface pencil with a common special surface curve
In this study, we introduce a new type of surface curves called $D$-type curve. This curve is defined by the property that the unit Darboux vector $vec{W}_{0} $ of a surface curve $vec{r}(s)$ and unit surface normal $vec{n} $ along the curve $vec{r}(s)$ satisfy the condition $leftlangle vec{n} ,vec{W}_{0} rightrangle =text{constant}$. We point out that a $D$-type curve is a geodesic curve or an...