Ali Asghar Jodayree Akbarfam
[ 1 ] - Inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators with a transmission and parameter dependent boundary conditions
In this manuscript, we consider the inverse problem for non self-adjoint Sturm--Liouville operator $-D^2+q$ with eigenparameter dependent boundary and discontinuity conditions inside a finite closed interval. We prove by defining a new Hilbert space and using spectral data of a kind, the potential function can be uniquely determined by a set of value of eigenfunctions at an interior point and p...
[ 2 ] - Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with discontinuity conditions
This paper deals with the boundary value problem involving the differential equation begin{equation*} ell y:=-y''+qy=lambda y, end{equation*} subject to the standard boundary conditions along with the following discontinuity conditions at a point $ain (0,pi)$ begin{equation*} y(a+0)=a_1 y(a-0),quad y'(a+0)=a_1^{-1}y'(a-0)+a_2 y(a-0), end{equation*} where $q(x), a_1 , a_2$ are rea...