Somaye Khalifeh

Water Resources Engineering, Water Engineering Department, ShahidBahonar University of Kerman, Kerman,Iran.

[ 1 ] - Evaluation of monitoring network density using discrete entropy theory

The regional evaluation of monitoring stations for water resources can be of great importance due to its role in finding appropriate locations for stations, the maximum gathering of useful information and preventing the accumulation of unnecessary information and ultimately reducing the cost of data collection. Based on the theory of discrete entropy, this study analyzes the density of rain gag...

[ 2 ] - Regional Evaluation of Hydrometric Monitoring Stations through Using Entropy Theory

Proper design and operation of monitoring systems for water resources management is one of themost important issues of water quality and quantity and accuracy and adequacy of data. The properevaluation of these data has a determining role in the correctand consistent decisions in the areacovered by the system. Therefore, determining proper distribution and number of monitoringnetwork stations a...
