Siddu Shiralasetti
Pavate nagar
[ 1 ] - Some results on Haar wavelets matrix through linear algebra
Can we characterize the wavelets through linear transformation? the answer for this question is certainly YES. In this paper we have characterized the Haar wavelet matrix by their linear transformation and proved some theorems on properties of Haar wavelet matrix such as Trace, eigenvalue and eigenvector and diagonalization of a matrix.
[ 2 ] - Biorthogonal wavelet-based full-approximation schemes for the numerical solution of elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication problems
Biorthogonal wavelet-based full-approximation schemes are introduced in this paper for the numerical solution of elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication line and point contact problems. The proposed methods give higher accuracy in terms of better convergence with low computational time, which have been demonstrated through the illustrative problems.