Forooghsadat Mansoori
Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
[ 1 ] - Histological study of the annular ligament in the rabbitfish eye (Siganus sp.)
Rabbitfish is economically valuable teleost species which lives in shallow coastal waters. Two species of rabbit fish have been recognized in southern sea of Iran (Persian gulf) as namely Siganus sutor and Siganus javus. In the current study, in order to investigate the histology of the annular ligament of the S. javus’ eye, the prepared sections of the eyes of twelve healthy specimens were stu...
[ 2 ] - Histological Study of Ostrich Skin after Biopsy
Objective- To investigate histological structure of Ostrich skin was done. Ostrich leathers are of exotic leather types, which are in increasing demand due to their outstanding natural gain patterns formed by large feather follicles on the leather surface. Animals-Ten mature ostriches were selected from ostrich breeding center in Jupar, Kerman, Iran, all of which were in good shape and healthy ...