AliAkbar Ramin
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
[ 1 ] - Effect of 1-methylcyclopropane in combination with Calcium chloride on postharvest storage and quality of green olives
Green olive cultivars “Manzanila” and “Mission” were harvested at the mature green stage. They were either treated with 1-methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) at a concentration of 1.8 µL/L for 24 h at 20°C or kept untreated as a control. Both treated and untreated fruits were then immersed in water containing CaCl2 of 0 (control), 50 and 100 mM for 2 h under 1.2 bar pressure. Fruits were then surface dr...