H. Seid Mohammadkhani

Department of Plant Protection, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran

[ 1 ] - Identification of some secondary metabolites produced by four Penicillium species

Fungi produce a wide range of secondary metabolites such as antibiotics, toxins, alkaloids, fatty acids, ketones and alcohols during active cell growth. The present study was aimed to identify secondary metabolites from some Penicillium species, using GC-MS. Many important compounds such as 3-oxoquinuclidine in Penicillium jenseii, formamidine in Penicillium pusillum, orcinol and 1,3,8-p-mentha...

[ 2 ] - Identification of biological secondary metabolites in three Penicillium species, P. goditanum, P. moldavicum, and P. corylophilum

Microorganisms are important components of soil. Some soil filamentous fungi such asPenicilium produce many bioactive small molecules, or secondary metabolites, that range frombeneficial bioactive compounds to harmful toxins. In this study, the metabolites of threepenicillium species (P. goditanum, P. moldavicum and P. corylophilum) were extracted byadding ethyl acetate to liquid cultures. The ...