tooba mardani

Young Researchers Club, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

[ 1 ] - The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on the Development of Metadiscourse Markers Awareness in EFL Learners' Oral Performance

Portfolio assessment as one of the alternatives to testing is defined as the systematic collection of student work measured against predetermined scoring criteria. This paper aimed to investigate the effect of portfolio assessment in the oral performance of EFL learners in an attempt to examine its impact on their metadiscourse awareness. To determine the impact of portfolio assessment on the o...

[ 2 ] - The Impact of Explicit Instruction of Metadiscourse Markers on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension

According to Hyland  (2000),  metadiscourse  is  recognized  as  an  important  means  of  facilitating  communication, supporting a writer's position, and building a relationship with an audience. This study aims to investigate the impact of explicit instruction of metadiscourse markers on EFL learners' listening comprehension. The participants of this study were 50 undergraduate students majo...

[ 3 ] - The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on the Development of Metacognitive Awareness in EFL Learners' Translating in the Academic Context

A translation portfolio is a systematic collection of student's translations or reports of tasks torepresent a variety of student's achievements in the translation course over a specified period oftime. This paper aims to investigate the effect of portfolio assessment in the translatingclassroom in an attempt to examine its impact on EFL learners' metacognitive awareness. Todetermine the impact...
