N Arab
Department of Material, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch
[ 1 ] - Numerical and Experimental Research of Deep Drawing Process
There are mainly two methods of deep drawing analysis; experimental and analytical/numerical. Experimental analysis can be useful in analyzing the process to determine the process parameters that produce a defect free product, and the analytical/numerical modeling can be used to model and analyze the process through all stages of deformation. This approach is less time consuming and more econom...
[ 2 ] - Analytical Modeling of Axi-Symmetric Sheet Metal Forming
The cup drawing is a basic deep drawing process. Thus, understanding the mechanics ofthe cup drawing process helps in determining the general parameters that affect the deep drawingprocess. There are mainly two methods of analysis; experimental and analytical/numerical.Experimental analysis can be useful in analyzing the process to determine the process parameters thatproduce a defect free prod...