Abdolrahim Taheri
Faculty Member, Assistant Professor, Marine Engineering Department, Petroleum University of Technology, Mahmoudabad, Iran
[ 1 ] - Effect of Pile Scouring on the Structural Behavior of a Fixed Jacket Platform with Consideration of Non-linear Pile Seabed Interaction
In offshore structures, most of failures are caused by the lack of sufficient piles strength. Scour phenomena affects the load transition and the pile strength. The necessity of the consideration of scouring phenomena amplifies when the scour depth becomes remarkable, which can endanger the jacket stability. In this paper, a new method is used to consider the pile scouring using nonlinear pusho...
[ 2 ] - Steel Catenary Riser-Seabed Interaction Due to Caspian Sea Environmental Conditions
This paper investigates the integrated riser/vessel system which is subjected to random waves. Riser pipelines are the main components of the oil and gas offshore platforms. Whereas Iran country has been located on the fringes of Caspian Sea deep water, therefore study and research in this area is increasingly essential. The fluctuation of floating production causes the severe response and grea...
[ 3 ] - Effect of Riser-Seabed Interaction on the Dynamic Behavior of Risers
In recent years, the production of oil and gas has been developed in deep water depths which exceed 500m. Deep water developments are being followed strongly in different parts of the world (Caspian Sea, Gulf of Mexico, etc.). The movement of floater causes severe stress at the touchdown point (TDP) in steel catenary risers (SCR). The main objective of this study was to simulate the exact behav...
[ 4 ] - Investigation of the Effect of Local Buckling and VIV Fatigue on Failure Probability of Subsea Pipelines in Iranian South Pars Gas Field
Free-span occurs normally in a pipeline at uneven seabed, dynamic seabed and pipeline crossing. Free spanning in pipeline causes Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) fatigue, fracture and bursting. In this paper, a pipeline located in South Pars Gas Field is assessed against local buckling and VIV fatigue using probability of failure theory based on the recommended methodology by Det Norske Veritas (...
[ 5 ] - Investigation of the Pile Aging Effect of a Fixed Offshore Platform Located in Persian Gulf using Nonlinear Soil-Pile Interactions
The study about the jacket platforms in the past has revealed that the most of the collapse failures occur due to the lack of strength of the pile foundation. However, when the jacket platforms which have been collapsed due to extreme condition were looked into, it was found that most of them had their foundations intact. These contrasting facts can be explained with the help of the phenomenon ...