Ahmed Zoeir
Sahand University of Technology
[ 1 ] - To Express Required CT-Scan Resolution for Porosity and Saturation Calculations in Terms of Average Grain Sizes
Despite advancements in specifying 3D internal microstructure of reservoir rocks, identifying some sensitive phenomenons are still problematic particularly due to image resolution limitation. Discretization study on such CT-scan data always has encountered with such conflicts that the original data do not fully describe the real porous media. As an alternative attractive approach, one can recon...
[ 2 ] - Determination of Principal Permeability Directions in Reservoir Rocks from Micro-CT Data
The routine measurement of direction-dependent reservoir rock properties like permeability often takes place along the axial direction of core samples. As permeability is a tensor property of porous materials, it should be fully described by a tensor matrix or by three main permeabilities in principal directions. Due to compaction, cementation, and other lithification processes, which take plac...
[ 3 ] - Impact of H2S Content and Excess Air on Pollutant Emission in Sour Gas Flares
In sour gas flares, content like any other components in inlet gas influences adiabatic flame temperature, which, in turn, impacts on the pollutant emission. Wherever flame temperature increases, the endothermic reaction between and is accelerated, which means higher emission to the atmosphere. In this work, we developed an in-house MATLAB code to provide an environment for combustion calcu...
[ 4 ] - An Estimation of Multiphase Relative Permeabilities in Reservoir Cores from Micro-CT Data
With significant increase of tomographic equipment power, demand for Prediction relative permeability prediction Predicting in porous media from digital image data. In this work, it is predicted three -phase relative permeabilities with co-applying Darcy’s and Stokes equations in two case studies, namely Bentheimer sandstone and Estaillades limestone which their micro-CT data files were downloa...
[ 5 ] - To Depict Oil Extraction Efficiency from Gas Invaded Zone: Simulation Study
Future exploitation scheme of an oil reservoir in each cycle within its production life depends on the profitability of the current extraction scenario compared with predicted recoveries that acquire with applying other available methods. In fractured reservoirs appropriate time to pass from the gas injection process into chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) firmly depends on the oil extraction...
[ 6 ] - Foam Application in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs: A Simulation Study
Fractured carbonate reservoirs account for 25% of world’s total oil resources and for 90% of Iranian oil reserves. Since calcite and dolomite minerals are oil wet, gas oil gravity drainage (GOGD) is known as the most influencing production mechanism. The most important issue within gas injection into fractured media is the channeling problem which makes the efficiency of gas injection process e...
[ 7 ] - Impact of Internal Structure on Foam Stability in Model Porous Media
Application of foam in EOR, increases macroscopic sweep efficiency via awesome increscent of mobility control. Macroscopic manifestation of foam application performance in porous media is complex process that involves several interacting microscopic foam events. Stability as an important factor in foam injection within large reservoirs, depends on several variables including oil saturation, con...