Vahid Fallahi
Faculty of Electrical Eng. Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Design of an Improved Optical Filter Based on Dual-Curved PCRR for WDM Systems
In this paper, an optical filter based on a two dimensional photonic crystalring resonator (PCRR) with triangular lattice is designed and presented. For thispurpose, the effects of positioning, arrangement and the number of the inner rods of thedual-curved PCRR on the performance characteristics of our optical filter such as thetransmission coefficient and the quality factor have been fully inv...
[ 2 ] - Novel Four-Channel All Optical Demultiplexer Based on Square PhCRR for Using WDM Applications
Ring resonators have always been referred to as a highly flexible structurefor designing optical devices. In this study, we have designed and simulation a fourchannel optical demultiplexer using square photonic crystal ring resonator. The squarelattice constant for this purpose structure is used. The purposed structure has an averagecrosstalk, transmission coefficient, q...
[ 3 ] - Novel structure of optical add/drop filters and multi-channel filter based on photonic crystal for using in optical telecommunication devices
In this paper, Using a 2D photonic crystal and a novel square ring resonator,several compact and simple structures have been introduced in the present paper toconstruct optical add/drop filters and multi-channel filter. The difference structures hasbeen designed and simulated by using the proposed square ring resonator and differentdropping waveguides. To do analyses, th...