Hojjat Amrollahi Bioki

Department of Physics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Effects of Cobalt Doping on Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Sol–Gel Spin Coating Technique

Cobalt (Co) doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films, containing different amountof Cobalt nanoparticles as the Co doping source, deposited by the sol–gel spin coatingmethod onto glass via annealing temperature at 400˚C, have been investigated by opticalcharacterization method. The effect of Co incorporation on the surface morphology wasclearly observed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. ...

[ 2 ] - Thermal Annealing Influence over Optical Properties of Thermally Evaporated SnS/CdS Bilayer Thin Films

Thin films of tin sulfide/cadmium sulfide (SnS/CdS) were prepared bythermal evaporation method at room temperature on a glass substrate and then annealedat different temperature with the aim of optimizing the optical properties of the materialfor use in photovoltaic solar cell devices. The effect of annealing on optical propertiesof SnS/CdS film was studied in the temper...