parviz Fattahi

Industrial engineering department, Faculty of engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

[ 1 ] - A New Approach in Job Shop Scheduling: Overlapping Operation

In this paper, a new approach to overlapping operations in job shop scheduling is presented. In many job shops, a customer demand can be met in more than one way for each job, where demand determines the quantity of each finished job ordered by a customer. In each job, embedded operations can be performed due to overlapping considerations in which each operation may be overlapped with the other...

[ 2 ] - Formation of manufacturing cell using queuing theory and considering reliability

In this paper, a stochastic cell formation problem is studied using queuing theory framework and considering reliability. Since cell formation problem is NP-Hard, two algorithms based on genetic and modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithms are developed to solve the problem. For generating initial solutions in these algorithms, a new heuristic method is developed, which always cre...

[ 3 ] - Multi-Objective Scheduling Problem in a Three-Stage Production System

A three stage production system is considered in this paper. There are two stages to fabricate and ready the parts and an assembly stage to assembly the parts and complete the products in this system. Suppose that a number of products of different kinds are ordered. Each product is assembled with a set of several parts. At first the parts are produced in the first stage with parallel machines a...

[ 4 ] - An Analytical Approach for Single and Mixed-Model Assembly Line Rebalancing and Worker Assignment Problem

In this paper, an analytical approach is used for assembly line rebalancing and worker assignment for single and mixed-model assembly lines based on a heuristic-simulation algorithm. This approach helps to managers to select a better marketing strategy when different combinations of demands are suitable.Furthermore, they can use it as a guideline to know which worker assignment is better for ea...

[ 5 ] - A hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm to optimize capacitated lot-sizing problem

The economical determination of lot size with capacity constraints is a frequently complex, problem in the real world. In this paper, a multi-level problem of lotsizing with capacity constraints in a finite planning horizon is investigated. A combination of ant colony algorithm and a heuristic method called shifting technique is proposed for solving the problem. The parameters, including the co...

[ 9 ] - بکارگیری الگوریتم انجماد تدریجی برای زمانبندی کارها در کارگاه جریانی دو ماشینی با هدف تولید به موقع

A two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling with n independent jobs and different due dates is considered in this paper. Since this problem is shown to be NP-Hard, We use the simulated annealing to solve this problem. The objective is minimizing the weighted earliness and tardiness that cover JIT concept. We construct our algorithm in four scenarios with considering two Markov chains and two...

[ 10 ] - Using Greedy Randomize Adaptive Search Procedure for solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem

  Greedy randomize adaptive search procedure is one of the repetitive meta-heuristic to solve combinatorial problem. In this procedure, each repetition includes two, construction and local search phase. A high quality feasible primitive answer is made in construction phase and is improved in the second phase with local search. The best answer result of iterations, declare as output. In this stu...

[ 12 ] - Bi-objectives Approach for a Multi-period Two Echelons Perishable Product Inventory-routing Problem with Production and Lateral Transshipment

In this study, a two echelons supply chain system in which a supplier is producing perishable product and distribute it to multiple customers is considered. By allowing lateral transshipment mechanism, it is also possible to deliver products to some customers in some periods in bulk, then customers using their own vehicle to transship goods between each other seeking further reduction in the ov...