Gholamreza Nabiyouni

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran

[ 1 ] - Fe-Ag nanocomposite: Hydrothermal preparation of iron nanoparticles and silver dendrite like nanostructures

At the first stage Fe3O4 and Fe nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple hydrothermal method. Then silver nanoparticles and Fe-Ag nanocomposites were synthesized in the presence of NaBH4. The prepared products were characterized by X-ray diffraction pattern, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Vibrating Sample magnetometer illustrated that Fe nanopartic...

[ 2 ] - Microwave Synthesis of Different Morphologies of Lead Ferrite Nanostructures and Investigation of Magnetic Properties

The lead ferrite (PbFe12O19) nanoparticles were prepared by a simple and short time microwave method. Lead nitrate, iron nitrate nine hydrate, surfactants, and ethylene glycol were used as precursor materials. The effect of surfactants on the morphology and particle size of the magnetic products was investigated. The prepared magnetic products were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electro...

[ 3 ] - Effect of Magnetic Field on Surface Morphology and Magnetic Properties of FeCu/Cu Nano layers Prepared by Electrodeposition Technique: Investigation of Magneto-hydrodynamic Effect

In this paper, the effect of magnetic field on the morphology, structure and magnetic properties of electrodeposited FeCu/Cu thin films was investigated. The films were deposited on Au2PdAg/glass substrates using electrodeposition technique in potentiostatic control. The magnetic fields of 5000 and 7000 Oe were applied on deposition bath during deposition. Two series of thin films were prepared...

[ 4 ] - Microwave-assisted Synthesis of MgFe2O4-ZnO Nanocomposite and Its Photo-catalyst Investigation in Methyl Orange Degradation

In this work firstly MgFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized via a microwave-assisted method. The product was calcinated at 900 ºC for 2h. At the second step zinc oxide shell was synthesized on the ferrite under ultrasonic waves. Properties of the product were examined by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Vibr...

[ 5 ] - Sono-chemical Synthesis Fe3O4-Mg(OH)2 Nanocomposite and Its Photo-catalyst Investigation in Methyl Orange Degradation

In this work firstly Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized via a sono-chemical method. At the second step magnesium hydroxide shell was synthesized on the magnetite-core under ultrasonic waves. For preparation Fe3O4-MgO the product was calcinated at 400 ºC for 2h. Properties of the product were examined by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform ...

[ 6 ] - A Simple Precipitation Method for Synthesis CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles

Magnetic CoFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple chemical reaction using precipitation method. The obtained materials consist of ferrite particles with average diameter of 25 nm. The effect of different surfactants such as cationic, anionic and neutral on the morphology of the products was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the structure and particle size o...

[ 7 ] - Preparation and Characterization of Tin Oxide Nanowires

The aim of this research is preparation of SnO2 nanowires by means of Thermal chemical reaction vapor transport deposition (TCRVTD) method from SnO powders. The morphology, chemical composition and microstructure properties of the nanowires are characterized using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), EDS, and XRD. The XRD diffraction patterns reveal that the SnO2 nanowires have...

[ 8 ] - A Simple Method for Synthesis of Strontium Ferrite Nanoparticles and their Polymeric Nanocomposites

Hard magnetic SrFe12O19 (SrM) nanoparticles were synthesized by a facile sonochemical reaction. The magnetic nanoparticles were then added to acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, polystyrene, polycarbonate, and poly sulfone to make magnetic nanocomposites. The magnetic properties of the samples were also investigated using an alternating gradient force magnetometer. The strontium ferrite nanop...

[ 9 ] - Effect of Cobalt Concentration on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co-Fe Thin Films

Co-Fe films were electrodeposited on Cu substrate from electrolytes with different Co concentration  levels. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used  to  investigate  the  films  crystal  structures. The  results  indicate that  if  the  Co  concentration  is  less  that  the  Fe  concentration,  the cubic  structure  appears  in  the  films, while  the  hexagonal  structure dominates when  the C...

[ 10 ] - الکتروانباشت و مطالعه ساختاری و خواص مغناطیسی نانوساختارهای آهن-پلاتین

در این تحقیق الکتروانباشت تک حمام لایه‌های نازک فلزی Pt و آلیاژی FePt با درصدهای مختلف آهن، بر روی زیرلایه-های مس و طلا، مطالعه گردید. الکتروانباشت در مد کرنوکولومتری (CHC) تحت پتانسیل صورت گرفت. با استفاده از ولتامتری چرخه‌ای (CV) ولتاژ شروع انباشت لایه‌های آلیاژی مشخص شد. در ادامه بس لایه‌ای‌های FePt/Pt با ضخامت-های متفاوت لایه‌های پلاتین بر زیر لایه‌های مس و طلا رسوب داده شد و تأثیر این تغیی...

[ 11 ] - مشخصه یابی و مطالعه ناهمواری سطحی بس لایه های Co-Cu/Cu و Fe-Co-Cu/Cu الکتروانباشت شده بر زیرلایه شیشه/طلا

در این پژوهش بس لایه‌ های Co-Cu/Cu و Fe-Co-Cu/Cu بر روی زیر لایه شیشه /طلا به روش الکتروانباشت لایه‌ نشانی گردید. ناهمواری‌ های سطحی این لایه ‌ها به‌ وسیله میکروسکوپ نیروی اتمی بررسی شده و سپس با رسم نمودار ناهمواری‌ سطحی بر حسب طول اسکن در مقیاس لگاریتمی نوع و اندازه ناهمواری‌ های سطحی مورد محاسبه قرار گرفت. ساختار بس لایه ‌ها توسط پراش اشعه ایکس مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت و پیک‌ های مشخصه و ساختار...

[ 12 ] - Simple preparation of magnetic, antibacterial and photo-catalyst NiFe2O4@TiO2/Pt nanocomposites

Firstly nickel ferrite nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple precipitation method. Then mono-disperse platinum nanoparticles and NiFe2O4@TiO2/Pt nanocomposites were synthesized by a facile sol-gel procedure. The structure, phase and crystallite size of the magnetic and photo-catalyst products were characterized by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The morphology and size of the nanostructu...

[ 13 ] - اندازه‌گیری پویش آزاد میانگین الکترون در لایه‌های نازک Ni و چند لایه‌ایهای نازک Ni/Cu از طریق مطالعه بستگی مقاومت الکتریکی به ضخامت لایه‌ها

  The Boltzmann equation is a semiclassical approach to the calculation of the electrical conductivity. In this work we will first introduce a simple model for calculation of thin film resistivity and show that in an appropriate condition the resistivity of thin films depends on the electron mean free path, so that studying and measurement of thin films resistivity as a function of film thickne...

[ 14 ] - Growth and Characterization of Iron Nanowires Into Anodized Aluminum Oxide Templates Using Electrodeposition Technique

The Fe nanowires were prepared by Ac electrodeposition method. The two steps anodized aluminum oxides (alumina) were used as templates for electrodeposition of magnetic nanowires. Sulfuric acid was used to anodize aluminum. The pours diameter and growth rate of alumina were investigated. The FeSO4 electrolyte was used for growth of nanowires. The prepared magnetic nanowires were characterized b...