Hossein Nouri Hosseinabadi

Department of Engineering, Mechanical Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

[ 1 ] - Dry Friction and Wear Performance of Micro Surface Textures Generated by Ultrasonic Assisted Face Turning

Nowadays the surface texturing has been widely recognized as a usable capability to improve the tribological systems. In this paper, ultrasonic assisted turning (UAT) isperformed to create the micro textures on the flat faces. Micro surface texturing ismade on the Al7075-T6 by the UAT in the face turning process. Then, the influences of cutting speed feed, vibration direction and vibration ampl...

[ 2 ] - Dry Friction and Wear Performance of Micro Surface Textures Generated by Ultrasonic Assisted Face Turning

Nowadays the surface texturing has been widely recognized as a usable capability to improve the tribological systems. In this paper, ultrasonic assisted turning (UAT) isperformed to create the micro textures on the flat faces. Micro surface texturing ismade on the Al7075-T6 by the UAT in the face turning process. Then, the influences of cutting speed feed, vibration direction and vibration ampl...
