R. Gholami
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia
[ 1 ] - The impact of poor cementing casing damage: A numerical simulation study
A good knowledge of the parameters causing casing damage is critically important due to vital role of casing during the life of a well. Cement sheath, which fills in the gap between the casing and wellbore wall, has a profound effect on the resistance of the casing against applied loads. Most of the empirical equations proposed to estimate the collapse resistance of casing ignore the effects of...
[ 2 ] - On the Compaction and Viscous Behavior of Deep-Water Reservoirs
There have been many studies on reservoir compaction where different mechanisms being suggested as the reasons behind the integrity of unconsolidated reservoirs during production. Theory of poroelasticity is often used to evaluate the likelihood of compaction under these circumstances, but it is often failed to explain the creep behavior of unconsolidated formations. In this study, attempts are...