Sh. Sahebi

Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, PO. Code 14168-94351, Iran

[ 1 ] - A note on power values of generalized derivation in prime ring and noncommutative Banach algebras

Let $R$ be a prime ring with extended centroid $C$, $H$ a generalized derivation of $R$ and $ngeq 1$ a fixed integer. In this paper we study the situations: (1) If $(H(xy))^n =(H(x))^n(H(y))^n$ for all $x,yin R$; (2) obtain some related result in case $R$ is a noncommutative Banach algebra and $H$ is continuous or spectrally bounded.

[ 2 ] - On a generalization of central Armendariz rings

In this paper, some properties of $alpha$-skew Armendariz and central Armendariz rings have been studied by variety of others. We generalize the notions to central $alpha$-skew Armendariz rings and investigate their properties. Also, we show that if $alpha(e)=e$ for each idempotent $e^{2}=e in R$ and $R$ is $alpha$-skew Armendariz, then $R$ is abelian. Moreover, if $R$ is central $alpha$-skew A...

[ 3 ] - On perfectness of dot product graph of a commutative ring

Let $A$ be a commutative ring with nonzero identity, and $1leq n

[ 4 ] - Calculating Different Topological Indices of Von Neumann Regular Graph of Z_(p^α )

By the Von Neumann regular graph of R, we mean the graph that its vertices are all elements of R such that there is an edge between vertices x,y if and only if x+y is a von Neumann regular element of R, denoted by G_Vnr (R). For a commutative ring R with unity, x in R is called Von Neumann regular if there exists x in R such that a=a2 x. We denote the set of Von Neumann regular elements by V nr...
