M. Amini
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-134, Iran
[ 1 ] - Spectral triples of weighted groups
We study spectral triples on (weighted) groups and consider functors between the categories of weighted groups and spectral triples. We study the properties of weights and the corresponding functor for spectral triples coming from discrete weighted groups.
[ 2 ] - Representations of Double Coset Lie Hypergroups
We study the double cosets of a Lie group by a compact Lie subgroup. We show that a Weil formula holds for double coset Lie hypergroups and show that certain representations of the Lie group lift to representations of the double coset Lie hypergroup. We characterize smooth (analytic) vectors of these lifted representations.
[ 3 ] - Entropy of infinite systems and transformations
The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is a far reaching dynamical generalization of Shannon entropy of information systems. This entropy works perfectly for probability measure preserving (p.m.p.) transformations. However, it is not useful when there is no finite invariant measure. There are certain successful extensions of the notion of entropy to infinite measure spaces, or transformations with ...
[ 4 ] - Measures of maximal entropy
We extend the results of Walters on the uniqueness of invariant measures with maximal entropy on compact groups to an arbitrary locally compact group. We show that the maximal entropy is attained at the left Haar measure and the measure of maximal entropy is unique.