Z. Jokar
Department of Mathematics, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University-Mashhad, Iran
[ 1 ] - Characterization of $(delta, varepsilon)$-double derivation on rings and algebras
This paper is an attempt to prove the following result:Let $n>1$ be an integer and let $mathcal{R}$ be a $n!$-torsion-free ring with the identity element. Suppose that $d, delta, varepsilon$ are additive mappings satisfyingbegin{equation}d(x^n) = sum^{n}_{j=1}x^{n-j}d(x)x^{j-1}+sum^{n-1}_{j=1}sum^{j}_{i=1}x^{n-1-j}Big(delta(x)x^{j-i}varepsilon(x)+varepsilon(x)x^{j-i}delta(x)Big)x^{i-1}quadend{e...