A. A. Nasef

Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt

[ 1 ] - Preclosure operator and its applications in general topology

In this paper, we show that a pointwise symmetric pre-isotonic preclosure function is uniquely determined the pairs of sets it separates. We then show that when the preclosure function of the domain is pre-isotonic and the pre-closure function of the codomain is pre-isotonic and pointwise-pre-symmetric, functions which separate only those pairs of sets which are already separated are precontinu...

[ 2 ] - Some topological operators via grills

In this paper, we define and study two operators $Phi^s$ and $Psi^s$ with grill. Characterization and basic properties of these operators are obtained. Also, we generalize a grill topological spaces via topology $tau^s$ induced from operators $Phi^s$ and $Psi^s$.

[ 3 ] - F-Closedness in Bitopological Spaces

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of pairwise F-closedness in bitopological spaces. This space contains both of pairwise strongcompactness and pairwise S-closedness and contained in pairwise quasi H-closedness. The characteristics and relationships concerning this new class of spaces with other corresponding types are established. Moreover, several of its basic and important...


A. Azzam 3  

M. Caldas 1  

R. M. Latif 1  

S. Jafari 1