Jaber Taheri Shakib

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran Young Researchers Society

[ 1 ] - Wellbore Stability in Shale Formation Using Analytical and Numerical Simulation

Optimization of drilling fluid parameters such as mud weight, salt concentration, and temperature is essential to alleviate instability problems during drilling through shale sections. The selection of suitable mud parameters can benefit from analyses that consider significant instability processes involved in shale-drilling–fluid interactions. This paper describes the development of analytical...

[ 2 ] - Effect of Hydraulic Fracture on the Fractured Reservoir Based on the Connection with Natural Fractures

Hydraulic fracturing in the fractured reservoirs plays a significant impact on the production rate. In this study, the hydrostatic condition is taken into account, the hydraulic fracturing operation was applied in every direction usinga written distinct element code. In each direction the hydraulic fracture is applied with different lengths and in each level the amount of production is predicte...
