Ehsan Sanjari

Mechanical Engineering Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

[ 1 ] - A new generalized model for predict speed of sound of refrigerants

In consideration of physical and chemical properties of pure substances, speed of sound is one of important quantity which can used to calculate many of other thermo-physical properties such as isothermal compressibility, Joule-Thomson coefficient, isobaric heat capacity and etc. These thermo-physical properties are the main parameters in industrial and chemical processes. Development of accura...

[ 2 ] - An Efficient Method for Correlation of Vapor Pressure of Gaseous Compounds Containing C-H-O

Prediction of available vapor pressure data in the case of compounds containing C-H-O led to derivations and recommendations of standard equations for this property. The accuracy of vapor pressure estimations is essential to use as a basis to calculate acentric factor, thermal and equilibrium properties. In this study, according to the previous work, an accurate equation to estimate vapor press...

[ 3 ] - An Accurate Empirical Correlation to Estimate Sonic speed of Ionic Liquids

In recent years there has been a great deal of attention paid by researchers in investigating ionic liquids (ILs) mainly due to the tremendous potential that ionic liquids have in reaction and separation technology. Sonic speed is an important thermodynamic property of ionic liquids (ILs) and always chosen as a source to determine other properties. A database for the sonic speed of pure ILs cre...

[ 4 ] - An accurate General Method to Correlate Saturated Vapor Pressure of Pure Substances

In this study, a generalized equation is presented to calculate vapor pressure of pure substances as a function of reduced temperature, critical pressure, and acentric factor. With the presented model, vapor pressures have been calculated and evaluated with NIST data bank for 70 pure substances for about 14000 data points, and the overall average absolute percentage deviation has been only 0.78...