V.R. Ghezavati

Department of Industrial Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Efficiency of a multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm: A bi-objective location-routing-inventory problem with probabilistic routes

An integrated model considers all parameters and elements of different deficiencies in one problem. This paper presents a new integrated model of a supply chain that simultaneously considers facility location, vehicle routing and inventory control problems as well as their interactions in one problem, called location-routing-inventory (LRI) problem. This model also considers stochastic demands ...

[ 2 ] - Efficient Solution Procedure to Develop Maximal Covering Location Problem Under Uncertainty (Using GA and Simulation)

  In this paper, we present the stochastic version of Maximal Covering Location Problem which optimizes both location and allocation decisions, concurrently. It’s assumed that traveling time between customers and distribution centers (DCs) is uncertain and described by normal distribution function and if this time is less than coverage time, the customer can be allocated to DC. In classical mod...

[ 3 ] - A New Mathematical Model to Design Optimum Denomination of Coins and Banknotes Range (ODCBR)

 When an individual make a cash payment, he needs to consider about the amount to be paid, the coins and banknotes which are available and amount of change. For central banks and retailers, it is of interest to understand how this individual choice process works. The literature of currency use concerns primarily theory given certain assumptions which can present appreciate denomination r...