shahram sadeghi

Student Research Committee, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran

[ 1 ] - The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and related factors in the air in barbershops in Sanandaj in 2016

The aim of this study was to determine the density of benzene and toluene in barbershops of Sanandaj and also to determine effective factors for this pollution. A descriptive, analytical study was conducted to measure the volatile organic compound density and determine the effective factors. In this study, five hair salons and five barber shops were randomly selected from Sanandaj city. The vol...

[ 2 ] - Biodegradation of methylene blue from aqueous solution by bacteria isolated from contaminated soil

The use of biodegradation methods by microorganisms in the removal of industrial dyes are widely considered owing to their high efficiency and compatibility to the environment. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the biodegradation of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution by bacteria isolated from contaminated soil. This study was performed in laboratory scale on bacteria isolated and pu...

[ 3 ] - Removal of Reactive Green 19 dye from synthetic wastewater using electrocoagulation and aluminum electrodes

Textile dyeing is considered to be one of the major industrial sources of high rates of organic and aromatic compounds. Conversely, these compounds have become a significant environmental problem. Many methods have been investigated for color removal from dye-containing wastewater. In this research, the efficiency of the electrocoagulation (EC) process with aluminum electrodes in the removal of...

[ 4 ] - Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution using canola biomass: Isotherms and kinetics studies

The removing of hexavalent chromium from wastewater or decreasing its chromium (VI) content up to the permitted levels is important due to its non-biodegradation, bioaccumulation, and cancer-causing and toxic effects. In the present study, biosorption of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions using canola was investigated. The various physicochemical parameters such as pH, initial Cr (VI) ion concentra...

[ 5 ] - بررسی کمی و کیفی پسماندهای تولیدی بیمارستان بعثت شهر سنندج در سال 1390

Introduction: The proper management of hospital waste due to environmental pollution and nosocomial states has important role in promoting community health. One of the most important design and implementation of a correct program for management of hospital waste is knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative values of hospital waste. This study aimed to determine the qualitative and quantita...

[ 6 ] - کارایی تصفیه خانه فاضلاب کشتارگاه صنعتی شهر سنندج در سال 1391

Background & Objective: Cattle Slaughterhouses are one of the main centers of wastewater producing facilities with high pollution load, which in the absence of proper treatment can cause a lot of environmental pollution. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Industrial slaughterhouse wastewater treatment plant in the city of Sanandaj in 2012. Method: This is a cross-secti...

[ 7 ] - بررسی کارایی کامپوزیت نانو ذرات مغناطیسی آهن- زیرکونیوم/کیتوسان، جهت حذف کروم شش ظرفیتی از محیط های آبی

Background and purpose: Various contaminants are released into water resources each year as a results of urbanization and industrialization. Chromium VI is one of the most toxic metals released into the aquatic environments, wastewater, and soil mainly via industrial sewage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of iron-zirconium/chitosan magnetic nanoparticles composite in ...

[ 8 ] - Dairy wastewater treatment plant in removal of organic pollution: a case study in Sanandaj, Iran

Background: Wastewater produced by a dairy in Sanandaj is a major source of environmental pollution threatening the city. The dairy uses activated sludge treatment to remove organic pollution from the wastewater. The present study evaluated the performance of this process and its compliance with national requirements for chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total s...

[ 9 ] - Physical, chemical, and microbial quality of drinking water in Sanandaj, Iran

Drinkability of water is determined based on its physical, chemical, and microbial properties. Undesirable changes in these parameters could threaten the health of consumers. The present study aimed to assess the physical, chemical, and microbial parameters of the drinking water sources in Sanandaj, Iran and compare them with the national standard values. This descriptive, cross-sectional study...

[ 10 ] - بررسی سطح تراز صوتی در بخش‌های مراقبت‌های ویژه در بیمارستان‌های شهر سنندج

Background: One of the critical unit in each hospital is intensive care unit (ICU). The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends to control the noise level of this unit in order to not exceed 45 decibels (dBA) during the day and 35 dBA at night. In this study, our goal was to evaluate the noise level at adult and neonatal ICUs at some Sanandaj’s hospitals, Iran. Methods:...

[ 11 ] - بررسی کارایی و اثر بخشی نانو ذرات اکسید منیزیم در حذف رنگ راکتیو یلو 3 از محیط های آبی

زمینه و هدف: استفاده گسترده از رنگ ها اغلب منجر به بروز مشکلاتی چون آلودگی محیط زیست بصورت تخلیه فاضلابهای رنگی به محیط زیست و نیز ورود پساب های رنگی به آبهای پذیرنده می­شوند؛ وجود رنگ سبب جلوگیری از نفوذ نور خورشید به داخل آب شده و در نتیجه سبب اختلال در فرآیندهای فتوسنتتیک در آبهای سطحی می­شود. لذا هدف از این مطالعه تعیین کارایی و اثر بخشی نانو ذرات اکسید منیزیم در حذف رنگ راکتیو یلو 3 از محی...

[ 12 ] - بررسی حذف سیانید از زائدات خطرناک با استفاده از نانو ذرات آهن

چکیدهزمینه و اهداف: یکی از عمده ترین آلاینده‌های محیط زیست که در پساب صنایع مختلف وجود دارد، سیانید می باشد که می‌تواند برای انسان و محیط زیست خطرناک باشد. سیانید را می‌توان به روش های مختلفی از محیط‌های مایی حذف کرد، اما غالب این روش‌ها هزینه ‌بر می‌باشند. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی حذف سیانید با استفاده از نانو ذرات آهن می باشد. مواد و روش ‌ها: حذف سیانید از محیط با نانو ذرات آهن در وضعیت‌های مخ...