Karim Sadeghi
Ph.D. in TEFL, Urmia University, Iran
[ 2 ] - The Effect of Gloss Type and Mode on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition
Vocabulary is an important component of language proficiency which provides the basis for learners’ performance in other skills. But, since vocabulary learning seems to be so demanding, learners tend to forget newly-learnt words quite soon. In order to identify vocabulary learning conditions which can produce a more lasting effect, this study investigated the effect of three kinds of gloss cond...
[ 3 ] - Development of Fluency, Accuracy, and Complexity in Productive Skills of EFL learners across Gender and Proficiency: A Chaos Complexity Approach
This study was an attempt to investigate the developmental rate of fluency, accuracy and complexity among 12 EFL learners within the framework of chaos complexity theory. To carry out this study, 6 female and 6 male participants in two levels of proficiency (pre-and upper-intermediate) were put in two classes taught by the same teacher and following the same course. Every two months (for a peri...
[ 4 ] - Modified output in task-based EFL classes across gender
AbstractThe current study examined the modification devices (MDs) used by non-native speakers (NNSs) learning EFL during dyadic task-based interactions. Three meaning-oriented tasks, namely picture-description, spot-the-difference, and opinion-exchange, were used to elicit data from 24(12 male and 12 female, forming 4 male-male, 4 female-female, and 4 male-female dyads) Iranian EFL learners wit...
[ 5 ] - A Corpus-based Analysis of Collocational Errors in the Iranian EFL Learners' Oral Production
Collocations are one of the areas generally considered problematic for EFL learners. Iranian learners of English like other EFL learners face various problems in producing oral collocations. An analysis of learners' spoken interlanguage both indicates the scope of the problem and the necessity to spend more time and energy by learners on mastering collocations. The present study specifically f...
[ 6 ] - From EFL Classroom into the Mainstream: A Socio-Cultural Investigation of Speaking Anxiety among Female EFL Learners
The study was conducted with the aim of examining the rate of foreign language anxiety in male and female language learners. FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) was administered to two groups of male and female learners. The mean scores of FLCAS indicated a significant difference with females having considerably higher levels of anxiety than males. From 38 female learners,...