M. Ebrahimi

Department of Biology, School of Basic Sciences, University of Qom, Qom, Iran and Bioinformatics Research Group, Green Research Center, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

[ 1 ] - Comparing various attributes of prolactin hormones in different species: application of bioinformatics tools

Prolactin is mainly secreted by the anterior pituitary and is able to stimulate mammary gland development and lactation in mammalians. Although prolactins share a common ancestral gene encoding, they show species specific characteristics and their efficiency may be different in various mammals. The importance of protein structures of all sequences of this hormone have been studied by various bi...

[ 2 ] - Vitellogenin assay by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as a biomarker of endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) pollution

There are increasing evidences that show many xenobiotic chemicals (called as endocrine disruptorchemicals EDCs) through interfering with endocrine system, have the capability to induce developmentaland reproductive abnormalities in humans and animals. The yolk protein precursor vitellogenin (VTG) hasproved to be a simple and sensitive biomarker for assessing exposure of fish to EDCs especially...

[ 3 ] - Competition of zinc, cadmium and calcium for binding sites in sperm of trout and carp

Heavy metal pollutions of aquatic ecosystems have already raised many concerns on aquaticorganisms’health and survival especially on their sperm. The effects of a single metal on sperm may be totallydifferent from cocktail of several metals because of their interactions, so the effects of zinc, cadmium andcalcium on the trout and carp sperms and their competition have been examined by incubatio...

[ 4 ] - 17α-Hydroxy-4-pregenen-3-one (17 αP) assay, using acetylcholinesterase enzyme as tracer

17a-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17aP) hormone is a precursor of other steroid hormones and radioimmunoassay has already been used to measure it, but a simple and rapid "Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay" (ELISA) is described and validated here. A general procedure for prepara-tion of the acetylcholinesterase labelled steroid is described, which is applicable to any steroid. Use of acetyl...

[ 5 ] - Using computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) to monitoring the effects of zinc and Cadmium pollution on fish sperm

Since the quality of sperm is affected by water industrial or agriculture pollution, sperm motility was measured as a sensitive and accurate bioindicator of water quality. In this study, sperm motility was measured by a computer assisted sperm analysis after 24 hours exposure of sperm to different concentration of heavy metals) Cadmium and Zinc). The results show that the sperm motility was not...

[ 6 ] - تغییرات پارامترهای حرکتی اسپرم در اثر تماس با فلزات سنگین روی و کادمیوم

چکیده مقدمه : آلودگی منابع مختلف به فلزات سنگین در نتیجه ضایعات حاصله از فعالیت‌های صنعتی و ورود ضایعات فاضلاب‌های شهری به رودخانه‌ها به عنوان یک معضل اساسی در جوامع امروزی مطرح می‌باشد. فلزات سنگین در بستر رودخانه‌ها, دریاچه‌ها و دریاها تجمع می‌یابند و از طریق مواد غذایی وارد زنجیره غذایی، و در نهایت جذب بدن انسان می‌شوند، و به دلیل تجمع آنها در اندام‌های تولید مثلی, تاثیرات مخربی را بر روی ر...

[ 7 ] - 17α-Hydroxy-4-pregenen-3-one (17 αP) assay, using acetylcholinesterase enzyme as tracer

17a-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17aP) hormone is a precursor of other steroid hormones and radioimmunoassay has already been used to measure it, but a simple and rapid "Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay" (ELISA) is described and validated here. A general procedure for prepara-tion of the acetylcholinesterase labelled steroid is described, which is applicable to any steroid. Use of acetyl...

[ 8 ] - Using computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) to monitoring the effects of zinc and Cadmium pollution on fish sperm

Since the quality of sperm is affected by water industrial or agriculture pollution, sperm motility was measured as a sensitive and accurate bioindicator of water quality. In this study, sperm motility was measured by a computer assisted sperm analysis after 24 hours exposure of sperm to different concentration of heavy metals) Cadmium and Zinc). The results show that the sperm motility was not...
