Majid Alahyari-Shahrasb

Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

[ 1 ] - Bioavailability comparison between herbal methionine and DL-methionine on growth performance and immunocompetence basis in broiler chickens

BACKGROUND:Herbal methionine can be compared relative toDl-methionine with evaluation of bioavailability of this source ofmethionine. OBJECTIVES: An experiment was carried out todetermine the relative bioefficacy of herbal methionine (H-Met)®relative to DL-methionine (DL-Met) on performance criteria andimmunocompetence of Met sources in male broilers. Atotal of 160male broilers were fed a Met-d...

[ 2 ] - Relative effectiveness of herbal methionine compared to DLmethionine on growth, performance and carcass responses basis in broiler chickens

BACKGROUND: The degree to which the amount of aningested nutrient is absorbed and available to the body is calledbioavailability. OBJECTIVES: Relative effectiveness of herbalmethionine (H-Met®) compared to DL-methionine (DL-Met)was investigated in this experiment. METHODS: Exponentialregression analysis was used to determine bioefficacy of H-Met®based on body weight gain, feed intake and feed c...