Azin Tavakoli

Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad Univeristy, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran

[ 1 ] - Correlation of post-operative pain and levels of creatin phosphokinase enzyme following ovariohysterectomy in cats

Background: Recognition of pain is challenging in veterinary medicine due to lack of verbal communication and universal pain assessment system. Increase in biochemical parameters have been shown to have direct correlation with level of postoperative pain. Objectives: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the serum levels of CPK and investigate any correlation in serum levels of CPK an...

[ 2 ] - The superiority of paracostal endoscopic-assisted gastropexy over open incisional and belt loop gastropexy in dogs: a comparison of three prophylactic techniques

Prophylactic gastropexy is a procedure that prevents the occurrence of a life threatening condition known as gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV) in dogs. The objective of this study was to compare incisional, belt loop and minimally invasive endoscopically assisted gastropexy by evaluating different parameters such as surgical time, length of scar and score of pain in dogs. Twenty-one healthy, ...

[ 3 ] - اصول اولیه درمان ریشه دندانها در دامهای کوچک

درمان ریشه دندان یکی از شاخه های دندانپزشکی است که به تشخیص و درمان مشکلات بخش زنده مرکزی دندان به نام پالپ می پردازد. دندان در  گوشتخواران بسیار می تواند مورد تهدید و آسیبهای مختلف قرار گیرد. در این جهت درمانهای مختلفی جهت حفظ عملکرد دندان در دهان صورت می گیرد که یکی از این درمانها درمان ریشه یا اندودنتیک می باشد. از بین رفتن پالپ که قسمت مرکزی و زنده دندان می باشد یکی از رایجترین حوادثی است ک...

[ 4 ] - Tramadol Vs. Meloxicam in Controlling Postoperative Pain in Dental Extractions in Cats

Objective- Evaluate analgesic effect of meloxicam and tramadol following dental extractions in cats. Design-Experimental study Animals-20 DSH cats who were diagnosed with 3rd or 4th stage of periodontal disease at their third mandibular premolar were entered the study in order to perform surgical dental extraction. Procedure-A blood sample was taken prior to surgery to assess...

[ 5 ] - Pulse oximetry and cardiorespiratory changes during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in dogs

Objective- The objective of the present study was to determine the changes in heart rate, respiratory rate and arterial Oxygen saturation (SpO2) by administration of three drug combinations during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Design- Experimental study. Animals- 21 healthy and adults dog were randomly divided into three groups. Procedures- The IV combination of 6.5 mg/kg ketamine and 0....

[ 6 ] - Comparison the analgesic effects of lidocaine, xylazine and their combination used into the epidural space in rabbits.

Objective: Addition of the drugs to lidocaine to induce epidural analgesia in order to elongate and enhance the analgesia has been investigated previously. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of epidurally administered xylazine either in combination of lidocaine or alone in rabbits. Design: Experimental study Animals: Twelve healthy and adult male New Zealand white strain rab...

[ 7 ] - Pulmonary Bulla in a Dog Secondary to Blastomycosis

Case description- A two-year-old intact Golden Retriever was affected with the 6-months previous history of blastomycosis and treatment was performed using fluconazole. Clinical findings- Cough, fever, nasal discharge, dry and harsh lung sounds with peripheral lymphadenopathy was observed. Emphysematous change and large pulmonary bulla was reported in computed tomography of the thorax. Treatm...

[ 8 ] - Analgesic Effects of Metoclopramide Following Conventional Ovariohysterectomy in Bitches

Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the analgesic properties of Metoclopramide, a frequently prescribed antiemetic, for relieving postoperative pain following ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Study design: Experimental study Animals: Sixteen intact bitches, mean weight 15±2 kg. Methods: The dogs were randomly placed into two equal groups(A and B). Prior to surgery, the dogs in...

[ 9 ] - Clinical Evaluation of Elective Laparoscopic Ovariohysterectomy in Dog

Objectives-To introduce laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy in dog in Iran,Study Design-Elective experimental study design.Animals-Four mix-breed healthy female dogs.Methods-Four healthy female dogs were undergone elective laparoscopic ovaryohysterectomy. Clinicalparameters including: body temperature, heart rate , respiratory rate, appetite, surgical time, blood loss,surgical complications, CBC an...

[ 10 ] - Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Tooth Growth in Response to Diode Laser Irradiation in Rabbits

Background: While many dental procedures induce pulpal damage by increase the temperature, this study was established to evaluate the thermally effect of different laser methods on pulp, oral soft and hard tissues. Objectives: In this study, laser irradiation applied to measure how increased in power output can influence on dental pulp by using CT images. Methods: Ten adult New Zealand white ra...

[ 12 ] - خطاهای رایج در دندانپزشکی دامپزشکی در دام‌های کوچک

         از آنجاییکه سگها و گربه ها بیشتر از دهانشان برای گرفتن غذا و همچنین نزاع استفاده می کنند بیماری های حفره دهانی در این دامها از فراوانی بیشتری برخوردار است. رایجترین بیماری که توسط دامپزشکان مشاهده می شود، بیماریهای دندانی است. حدود ۷۰ تا ۸۰ درصد حیوانات خانگی بالای سن ۳ سال مبتلا به اشکال مختلف بیماریهای دندان هستند. بیشتر از ۶۰ درصد صاحبان حیوانات خانگی از این مطلب آگاه نیستند که با ر...

[ 13 ] - Comparison of Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autograft Cancellous Bone Transplant and PRF Following Canine Tooth Extraction in Dog

Objective- Due to its specific position, the canine tooth is more exposed to the injuries, fractures and pulp necrosis. In these cases, the damaged teeth are usually pulled out. The root of this tooth is very large and sometimes extends over the premolar teeth. To extract it, a large amount of alveolar bone tissue should be harvested. Moreover, the cavity remains very large, wh...