Masoumeh Moslemi

Food and Drug Laboratories Research Center, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Effect of chitosan and Trachyspermum ammi essential oil on microbial growth, proteolytic spoilage, lipid oxidation and sensory attributes of chicken fillet during refrigerated storage

BACKGROUND: Chicken meat is susceptible to microbial and chemical contamination and using antimicrobial agents helps to prolong its shelf-life. OBJECTIVES: This study focuses on the effect of chitosan-based coating and Trachyspermum ammi essential oil on qualitative properties of refrigerated chicken fillet meat. MATERIAL and METHODS: chicken fillets treated with chitosan solution (2 %wv-1) and...

[ 2 ] - Comparison of lipid changes in chicken frankfurters made by soybean and canola oils during storage

Two batches of frankfurters containing about 55% chicken meat with two different oils (including canola and soybean) were manufactured. Batch 1 included canola oil and Batch 2 included soybean oil in the products. Various analyses were performed to detect the lipid changes of both batches during storage. Fatty acid composition analysis using gas chromatography showed little change in the fatty ...