Homayoun Khazali

Physiology Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - The Effect of Central Injection of Ghrelin and Bombesin on Mean Plasma Thyroid Hormones Concentration

Ghrelin increases food intakes and body weight. Bombesin decreases food intakes and inhibits the stimulatory effect of Ghrelin on food intakes. Thyroid hormones have a crucial role in the regulation of body weight and yet the effect of bombesin on thyroid axis activity is not fully clear. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the effect of different doses of Ghrelin or bombesin on ...

[ 2 ] - The Effect of Central Injection of Ghrelin and Bombesin on Mean Plasma Thyroid Hormones Concentration

Ghrelin increases food intakes and body weight. Bombesin decreases food intakes and inhibits the stimulatory effect of Ghrelin on food intakes. Thyroid hormones have a crucial role in the regulation of body weight and yet the effect of bombesin on thyroid axis activity is not fully clear. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the effect of different doses of Ghrelin or bombesin on ...

[ 3 ] - The Effect of Intravascular Injection of Ghrelin on the Mean Plasma Concentrations of Insulin and ACTH in Immature Camels Fed with Diets Containing Different Levels of their Energy Requirements

Introduction: Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted from the stomach with both endocrine and paracrine effects. Ghrelin and its mRNA as well as growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor mRNAs are expressed in the pancreas and islet cells and regulate insulin release. Also the immounoreactivity of ghrelin is proved to be high in the hypothalamus and parts of the brain responsible for the re...

[ 4 ] - The Effect of Galanin on the Mean Plasma of Gonadotropins in Female Goats fed Different Levels of their Energy Requirements

Introduction: The existence of a close relationship between energy status and reproductive function is well documented, but its underlying mechanisms remain to be fully unfolded.Galanin is an orexigenic agent and has been demonstrated as putative regulator of gonadotropin secretion in rats. There is no study to show the interaction of different levels of energy intake and galanin on gonadotropi...

[ 5 ] - Hypoinsulinemia induction and its effects on leptin secretion, blood and urine metabolites, feeding pattern and internal organs indices in sheep

Introduction: Insulin role and importance are different from that of monogastric. In this study, permanent hypoinsulinemia with various severities was induced using doses 0, 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg BW of streptozotocin (STZ) in sheep. Materials and methods: Twenty male lambs were divided into four treatment groups and maintained individually. Treatments were single, intravenous injection of doses ...

[ 6 ] - Determination of the effect of the interaction between Ghrelin and serotonin agonist (R)-8-OH-DPAT on the mean plasma concentrations of T3 & T4 in rat

Introduction: Previous studies have shown that ghrelin inhibits the activity of Hypothalamus –Pituitary – Thyroid (H–P-T) axis. It is also proved that ghrelin increases appetite via Agouti Related Protein and neuropeptide Y pathway, decreases T3 & T4 secretion and inhibits serotonin release from hypothalamic synaptosomes. Serotonin may interact with ghrelin in control of thyroid hormones secr...