Mohammad Hasanzadeh

bLiver and Gastrointestinal Diseases Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz 51664, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Non-Aqueous Electromigration Analysis of Some Degradation Products of Carvedilol

A capillary electrophoresis method was used for assay of some degradation products of carvedilol. The optimized parameters were as; running buffer 80 mM acetate dissolved in methanol/ethanol mixture (65:35 v/v), applied voltage of 19 kV, temperature is 20 ºC and the wavelength range of 200-350 nm. The results indicate that the proposed CE method could effectively separate carvedilol from its de...

[ 2 ] - Magnetic Graphene Quantum Dots as a Functional Nanomaterial Towards Voltammetric Detection of L-tryptophan at Physiological pH

L-Tryptophan (L-Trp) is of great importance in the biochemical, pharmaceutical and dietetic fields as it is precursor molecule of some hormones, neurotransmitters and other relevant biomolecules. So, determination of this amino acid has important role in detection of some neuron based disease. The main purpose of this report was to develop application of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles/graphene qu...

[ 3 ] - Non-Aqueous Electromigration Analysis of Some Degradation Products of Carvedilol

A capillary electrophoresis method was used for assay of some degradation products of carvedilol. The optimized parameters were as; running buffer 80 mM acetate dissolved in methanol/ethanol mixture (65:35 v/v), applied voltage of 19 kV, temperature is 20 ºC and the wavelength range of 200-350 nm. The results indicate that the proposed CE method could effectively separate carvedilol from its de...

[ 4 ] - کاربرد نانو مواد پیشرفته در توسعه فناوری زیست حسگرهای آنزیمی

استفاده از آنزیم‌­ها به دلیل اختصاصیت و ویژگی­ های کاتالیستی بالا برای تهیه زیست­ حسگر­ها رایج است. به منظور توسعه حسگر­های زیستی آنزیمی، آنزیم با روش­های گوناگون مانند جذب، به دام افتادن، پیوند کووالانسی، اتصال عرضی و میل ترکیبی بر روی سطح مبدل تثبیت می­ شود. برای افزایش سرعت انتقال الکترون و کاتالیز واکنش ­های آنزیمی، آنزیم بر روی /درون نانو­مواد گوناگون از جمله نانو­ذره ­های کربن مانند ن...