Foroogh sadat Hashemi
Dept. of Pathology, Firoozgar Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Serum and Urine Level of Zinc in Patients with Minor Beta Thalassemic in Ali-asghar Hospital During the Years 2005-2006
Introduction and Objective: Zinc as the second trace element of the human body plays an important role in numerous functions. A large number of research studies have showed serum zinc deficiency and excess urinary excretion in patients with major beta thalassemia, but few studies revealed excess urinary zinc excretion in minor b...
[ 2 ] - A rare ovarian tumor, leydig stromal cell tumor, presenting with virilization: a case report
Leydig stromal cell tumor is a rare ovarian tumor that belongs to the group of sex-cord stromal tumors. They produce testosterone leading to hyperandrogenism. We present a 41yr old woman with symptoms of virilization and a mass of right adenex via ultra Sonography, and a rise of total and free serum testosterone. An ovarian source of androgen was suspected and a surgery performed. A diagnosis ...