Shweta Rana

Dept. of Pathology, SHKM, GMC, Nalhar, Mewat, Haryana, India

[ 1 ] - Immature Teratoma with Embryonal Carcinoma; a Rare Malignant Mixed Germ Cell Tumor in a 13-Year-Old Girl

Malignant mixed germ cell tumors,though rare overall, are the most common type of malignant ovarian neoplasms in young and adolescent girls. These tumors are rapidly growing and can metastasize. We report a case of 13-yr-old girl who presented at SHKM GMC, Nalhar, Mewat, Haryana, India in December 2013 with huge abdominal lump of a malignant mixed germ cell tumor comprising both immature terato...

[ 2 ] - Leiomyoma of Scrotum: a Rare Case Report

Leiomyomas are benign tumors that originate from smooth muscle cells. Leiomyomas are well known to be the commonest neoplasm arising from the uterus but leiomyomas originating from the scrotum is a rare entity. They originate from the subcutaneous tissue or tunica dartos and can be solitary or multiple. We present a case of solitary scrotal leiomyoma in a 75 years old male who presented with a ...