Ahmad Geshani

Department of Audiology, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Auditory Memory deficit in Elderly People with Hearing Loss

Introduction: Hearing loss is one of the most common problems in elderly people. Functional side effects of hearing loss are various. Due to the fact that hearing loss is the common impairment in elderly people; the importance of its possible effects on auditory memory is undeniable. This study aims to focus on the hearing loss effects on auditory memory.   Materials and Methods: Dichotic Audi...

[ 2 ] - The effects of traffic noise on memory and auditory-verbal learning in Persian language children

Background: Acoustic noise is one of the universal pollutants of modern society. Although the high level of noise adverse effects on human hearing has been known for many years, non-auditory effects of noise such as effects on cognition, learning, memory and reading, especially on children, have been less considered. Factors which have negative impact on these features can also have a negat...