Nafise Salek

Faculty of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Comparative studies of extraction chromatography and electro-amalgamation separation to produce no-carrier added 177Lu by Tehran research reactor

Introduction:Owing to its favorable radionuclidic characteristics, such as tl/2 = 6.73 day and Eβ (max) = 497 keV and ease of its large-scale production using medium flux research reactors, lutetium-177 (177Lu) is an attractive radionuclide for various therapeutic applications. No carrier added (NCA) 177Lu was obtained by thermal neut...

[ 2 ] - Radiosynthesis of 191Os-2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazone complex, as an in vivo therapeutic radionuclide generator

Introduction: Due to the anti-proliferative properties of platinum group-thiosemicarbazone complexes, the production of 191Os-labeled 2-acetyl pyridine 4-N-methylthiosemicarbazone (191Os-APMTS) was investigated. Methods: [191Osmium (T½= 15.4d) was produced via the 190Os(n,γ)191Os nuclear reaction using enriched target irradiated...