Alireza Mardanshahi

Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

[ 1 ] - Characterization of low, medium and high energy collimators for common isotopes in nuclear medicine: A Monte Carlo study

Introduction:In an ideal parallel-hole collimator, thickness of septal material should be sufficient to stop more than 95% of incident photons. However, some photons pass the septa without interaction or experience scattering before they reach the detector. In this study, we determined different contribution of collimator responses consist of geometrical response, septal penetr...

[ 2 ] - Molecular and Bioinformatics Analysis of Allelic Diversity in IGFBP2 Gene Promoter in Indigenous Makuee and Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep Breeds

The aim of this study was to perform molecular and bioinformatics analysis of IGFBP2 gene promoter in association with some economic traits in indigenous Makuee (MS) and Lori-Bakhtiari (LB) breeds. DNA was extracted from blood samples of 120 MS and 200 LB and a 297 bp fragment from the upstream sequences of studied gene was amplified and genotyped by single-strand conformational polymo...