Afshan Shirkavand
1.Medical physicist, Medical laser research center,ACECR 2. Laser &Plasma Research institute, Shahid Beheshti University
[ 1 ] - Detection of Melanoma Skin Cancer by Elastic Scattering Spectra: A Proposed Classification Method
Introduction: There is a strong need for developing clinical technologies and instruments for prompt tissue assessment in a variety of oncological applications as smart methods. Elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS) is a real-time, noninvasive, point-measurement, optical diagnostic technique for malignancy detection through changes at cellular and subcellular levels, especially important in ear...
[ 2 ] - Laser and applications in medical sciences: a review from past to now
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[ 3 ] - Laser safety importance in clinical laser applications
Introduction: By introducing of laser systems and their continuous development, a new chapter of laser systems applications in a variety fields including research and clinical science in addition to the therapeutic, diagnostic applications were available for medical professionals in various fields. Most lasers emit radiation with intrinsic probable risks where in laser-tissue i...