Milad Shokouhfar

Islamic azad university, South Tehran branch

[ 1 ] - Mechanical and Thermal Stresses In a Linear Plastic FGM Hollow Cylinder Due to Axisymmetric Loads

In this paper, an analytical solution for computing the linear plastic stresses and critical temperature and pressure in a FGM hollow cylinder under the internal pressure and temperature is developed. It has been assumed that the modulus of elasticity and thermal coefficient of expansion were varying through thickness of the FGM material according to a power law relationship. The Poisson's rati...

[ 2 ] - Mechanical Stresses in a Linear Plastic FGM Hollow Cylinder Due to Non-Axisymmetric Loads

In this paper, an analytical solution for computing the linear plastic stresses and critical pressure in a FGM hollow cylinder under the internal pressure due to non-Axisymmetric Loads is developed. It has been assumed that the modulus of elasticity was varying through thickness of the FGM material according to a power law relationship. The Poisson's ratio was considered constant throughout the...

[ 3 ] - Mechanical Stresses in a Linear Plastic FGM Hollow and Solid Rotational Disk

In this paper, an analytical solution for computing the plastic & linear plastic stresses and critical angular velocity in a FGM hollow & solid rotating disk is developed. It has been assumed that the modulus of elasticity and yield strength were varying through thickness of the FGM material according to a power law relationship. The Poisson's ratio were considered constant throughout the thick...
