Hussein Gharibi

Tarbiat Modares University

[ 1 ] - Determination of thermodynamic parameters of hydrogen permeation of palladium membrane for considering the effect of stainless steel support

A palladium composite membrane was prepared by electroless plating on oxidized porous stainless steel support (ox-PSS). Hydrogen permeation flux through this composite membrane was measured in the temperature range of 574-674K and the pressure difference of two sides of membrane up to 90kPa. A simplified resistance model was employed to analyze the permeation behavior of hydrogen through Pd/ox-...

[ 2 ] - High Pt Loading on Polydopamine Functionalized Graphene as a High Performance Cathode Electrocatalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

Morphology and size of platinum nanoparticles are a crucial factor in improving their catalytic activity and stability. Here, we firstly report the synthesis of high loading Pt nanoparticles on polydopamine reduced Graphene. The loading concentration of Pt (nanoparticles) NPs on Graphene can be adjusted in the range of 60-70%.With the insertion of polydopamine between Graphene oxide sheets, sta...