Ashkan torkavannejad

Urmia university

[ 1 ] - Modeling and simulation of a new architecure stack applied on the PEM Fuel Cell

To simulate a new economical architecture for PEM fuel cell and investigate the effectiveness of the introduced structure on the performance, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code is used to solve the equations for a single domain of the cell namely: the flow field, the mass conservation, the energy conservation, the species transport, and the electric/ionic fields under the assumptions of st...

[ 2 ] - The effect of inclined radial flow in proton exchange membrane fuel cells performance

Computational fluid dynamics analysis was employed to investigate the radial flow field patterns of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) with different channel geometries at high operating current densities. 3D, non-isothermal was used with single straight channel geometry. Our study showed that new generation of fuel cells with circle stack with the same active area and inlet area gave ...

[ 3 ] - The simulation of novel annular shape on the Performance in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

In this article, one-phase and three dimensional computational fluid dynamics analysis was utilized to investigate the effect of annular field pattern of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) with different geometry on the performances and species distribution. This computational fluid dynamics code is used for solving the equation in single domain namely the flow field, the mass conserva...