Zhihui Yang

School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou, Jiangxi 344000, China

[ 1 ] - More General Forms of $(alpha, beta )$-fuzzy Ideals of Ordered Semigroups

This paper consider the   general  forms of $(alpha,beta)$-fuzzyleft ideals (right ideals, bi-ideals, interior ideals) of an orderedsemigroup, where$alpha,betain{in_{gamma},q_{delta},in_{gamma}wedgeq_{delta}, in_{gamma}vee q_{delta}}$ and $alphaneqin_{gamma}wedge q_{delta}$. Special attention is paid to$(in_{gamma},ivq)$-left ideals (right ideals, bi-ideals, interiorideals) and some related  pr...
