Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi

Department of Mathematics, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

[ 1 ] - Alternating Regular Tree Grammars in the Framework of Lattice-Valued Logic

In this paper, two different ways of introducing alternation for lattice-valued (referred to as {L}valued)  regular tree grammars and {L}valued top-down tree automata are compared. One is the way which defines the alternating regular tree grammar, i.e., alternation is governed by the non-terminals of the grammar and the other is the way which combines state with alternation. The first way is ta...

[ 2 ] - I-homomorphism for BL-I-General L-fuzzy Automata

Taking into account the notion of BL-general fuzzy automaton, in the present study we define the notation of BL-intuitionistic general L-fuzzy automaton and I-bisimulation for BL-intuitionistic general L-fuzzy automaton.Then for a given BL-intuitionistic general L-fuzzy automaton, we obtain the greatest I-bisimulation. According to this notion, we give the structure of quotient BL-intuiti...

[ 3 ] - Reduction of BL-general L-fuzzy Automata

In this paper, we show that for any BL-general L-fuzzy automaton (BL-GLFA) there exists a complete deterministic accessible reduced BL-general L-fuzzy automaton that recognizing the behavior of the BL-GLFA. Also, we prove that for any finite realization β, there exists a minimal complete deterministic BL-GLFA recognizing β. We prove any complete deterministic accessible reduced BL-GLFA is a min...