R. Ameri
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Sciences, University of Tehran, Teheran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Some topological properties of spectrum of fuzzy submodules
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $M$ be an$R$-module. Let $FSpec(M)$ denotes the collection of all prime fuzzysubmodules of $M$. In this regards some basic properties of Zariskitopology on $FSpec(M)$ are investigated. In particular, we provesome equivalent conditions for irreducible subsets of thistopological space and it is shown under certain conditions$FSpec(M)$ is a $T_0-$spa...
[ 2 ] - On Hyper Pseudo BCK-algebras
In this paper, we introduce the notion of hyper pseudo B C K - algebras, which is a generalization of pseudo BCK -algebras and hyper BCK -algebras and we investigates some related properties. In follow, we de ne some kinds of hyper pseudo BCK -ideals of a hyper pseudo BCK - algebra and we find the relations among them. Finally, we characterize the hyper pseudo BCK -ideals of type 4 generated by...