Reihaneh Sheikhy Behdani

English Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Assessing Critical Thinking Ability via the Writing Process: Developing and implementing a Rating Scale

The present exploratory mixed methods study aimedto develop a scale for assessing critical thinking (CT) ability of Iranian EFL learners. The study wasconducted in three phases. In phase one, the features of CT components were examined in the writingsof 120 participants. A holistic and an analytic scale were developed based on their performance in exploiting the components of CT and the fea...

[ 2 ] - The Relationship Between Vocabulary Recall and Critical Thinking

The study aimed to investigate whether there was a relationship between Iranian EFL learners'critical thinking (CT) and ability to recall vocabulary. Also, the relationship between gender andrecall was investigated. In so doing, 128 upper-intermediate language learners were selected fromIslamic Azad University based on convenience sampling. After homogenizing the participants ongeneral language...

[ 3 ] - Process Writing and Enhancement of Critical Thinking Ability: Is Writing a Vehicle or an Ingredient of Critical Thinking?

The study aimed to investigate the relationship between process writing (PW) and critical thinking (CT) ability of Iranian EFL learners. Furthermore, the role of PW in the enhancement of CT was investigated. In so doing, 125 upper-intermediate language learners were selected from Islamic Azad University based on convenience sampling. The results of pretest administration indicated that particip...
