Nasser Ashrafi
Geology depatment, Payame Noor University
[ 1 ] - Geochemistry of the Paleocene Sediments from SW Ahar: Implications for Provenance, Tectonics and Source Rock Weathering
The mineralogy and geochemistry of Paleocene shales and interbedded siltstones in the southwestern of Ahar town (NW Iran) were studied by optical microscopy, XRD, SEM, XRF, and ICP-MS techniques. The mineralogical composition, mainly characterized by calcite, quartz, feldspar, dolomite, muscovite, magnesiohornblende, chlorite, illite, montmorionite, palygorskite, and koninckite, suggests relati...
[ 2 ] - Cooling history and exhumation of the nepheline syenites, NW Iran: constraints from apatite fission track
Thermal history and apatite fission-track ages were determined for the Kaleybar, Razgah and Bozqush alkaline intrusions which display Eocene-Oligocene stratigraphic age. These subduction-related intrusions are located in the Alborz-Azarbaijan magmatic belt which is characterized by a Paleogene magmatic flare-up associated with extensional/transtensional tectonism. The mean of Uranium content an...