Hooshang Jazayeri Rad

The Petroleum University of Technology, P.O. Box 63431, Ahwaz, I.R. IRAN

[ 1 ] - Rejection of the Feed-Flow Disturbances in a Multi-Component Distillation Column Using a Multiple Neural Network Model-Predictive Controller

This article deals with the issues associated with developing a new design methodology for the nonlinear model-predictive control (MPC) of a chemical plant. A combination of multiple neural networks is selected and used to model a nonlinear multi-input multi-output (MIMO) process with time delays.  An optimization procedure for a neural MPC algorithm based on this model is then developed. T...

[ 2 ] - Artificial Intelligence for Inferential Control of Crude Oil Stripping Process

Stripper columns are used for sweetening crude oil, and they must hold product hydrogen sulfide content as near the set points as possible in the faces of upsets. Since product    quality cannot be measured easily and economically online, the control of product quality is often achieved by maintaining a suitable tray temperature near its set point. Tray temperature control method, however, is n...
