Tariq Mahmood Ansari
Department of Chemistry, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan 60800, PAKISTAN
[ 1 ] - Effect of Hydrochloric Acid on Leaching Behavior of Calcareous Phosphorites
The bulk of the world's phosphate reserves is located in sedimentary horizons that contain appreciable amounts of carbonate. During beneficiation of phosphate rocks, huge amounts of oversize phosphate rocks are rejected from crushers. This reject also mostly contains low tricalcium phosphate and high carbonate content. In this study, experiments have been carried out to reduce/eliminate car...
[ 2 ] - In Situ Analysis of Gut Residue of Corophium Volutator (Pallas) by Electron Probe Microanalysis after Exposure to Barytes Spiked Sediments
Corophium volutator (Pallas) has been recommended by the paris Commission as one of the standard species for testing chemical used in offshore oil and gas exploration/production. In the present study, gut contents of Corophium volutator have been analysed by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) for BaSO4 and other heavy metal impurities after exposure tto spiked sediments followin...