Hossein Kazemian

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, Ontario, CANADA

[ 1 ] - Synthesis of Nano Particles of LTA Zeolite by Means of Microemulsion Technique

This mini review article, intends to provide the essential information about microemulsion technique as a reliable approach toward the synthesis of zeolitic nano crystallites. The strategy discussed here provides a unique, effective, and potentially general methodology to the preparation of uniform and high purity nano crystallites of template-free zeolitic materials including LTA, faujasite ty...

[ 2 ] - Controlled Crystallization of LTA Zeolitic Nanoparticles from a Clear Solution Using Organic Template

LTA Zeolite nanoparticles was successfully synthesized from clear solution under controlled conditions using hydrothermal method using tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide as a structural directing agent. The as-synthesized LTA zeolite particles were characterized by powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy, </e...

[ 3 ] - Removal of BTX Compounds from Wastewaters Using Template Free MFI Zeolitic Membrane

MFI zeolite membranes were prepared on porous α-alumina substrates, using secondary growth of nano-seeded layers. The resulting membranes were characterized by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD), and pervaporation performance tests for separation of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene (BTX) mixture from contaminated water. The morphology, thickness, homogeneity,...

[ 4 ] - Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Nano Zeolite Seed for Synthesis Membrane and Investigation of its Permeation Properties for H2 Separation

MFI-type zeolite membranes (ZSM-5) were prepared on α-alumina tubular supports and tested for separation of H2/CO mixtures. The effect of pressure and temperature on H2 and CO flows and selectivity was investigated. The best results in this work were obtained with a ZSM-5 membrane prepared over a porous α-alumina tube seeded with zeolite nanocrystals synthesized with m...

[ 5 ] - Ion Exchange Behavior of Zeolites A and P Synthesized Using Natural Clinoptilolite

The main goal of this study is to investigate the capability of zeolites A and P synthesized from Iranian natural clinoptilolite for uranium uptak. The removal of uranium(VI) from aqueous solution via ion exchange by zeolites in a single component system with various contact times,  temperatures and initial concentrations of uranium(VI) was investigated. The experimental results we...

[ 6 ] - Elimination of Cd2+ and Mn2+ from Wastewaters Using Natural Clinoptilolite and Synthetic Zeolite P

This study deals with the uptake of Cd2+ and  Mn2+ ions from contaminated water using two Iranian natural clinoptilolite-rich tuffs from Meyaneh (Z-m), and Semnan (Z-s) regions , and a synthetic zeolite-P from Z-m sample (Z-P) under static (batch operation) and dynamic (column operation) conditions. To investigate the selectivity of the zeolites towar...