Behzad Shahbazi

Mining Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, I.R. IRAN

[ 1 ] - The Effect of Micro Turbulence on Quartz Flotation Rate

In this research, the effect of micro turbulence on the flotation rate of quartz particles was investigated. The maximum particle Reynolds number (Rep) was obtained at 60.25 with a particle size of -500+420 µm, impeller speed of 900 rpm, bubble surface area flux of 10.21 1/s and micro scale turbulence size of 162 µm. When the micro turbulence size was equal to the particle size, ...

[ 2 ] - Effect of frother type and operational parameters on nano bubble flotation of quartz coarse particles

In this work, the effects of the types of frother (MIBC, pine oil, and A65) and operational parameters (impeller speed and air flow rate) on the flotation of quartz coarse particles was investigated using nano bubbles (NBs). Quartz particles of the size of -425+106 mm and three types of frother were used for the flotation experiments. Also the impeller speed was 600 to 1300 rpm, and the air flo...